Let’s save lives together
By supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals’ road safety targets (3.6 & 11.2) and the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2030.Driver to passenger, infant to adult, everyone, everywhere, deserves to be safe. With our awareness initiative, we provide safety advices to vulnerable road users and help raise awareness about road safety to all ages. Just another way we work together in communities across the country to ensure that mile by mile, day by day, safety is always in focus.
Every year, thousands of drivers and Schools participate in the program both on site and in classrooms in all counties in Kenya and abroad to keep their road use skills sharp and up-to-date and usually are rewarded with a reduced rate on their insurance. And that’s a good thing. Because the better we all arrive safely, the safer we all arrive alive.
If you would like help starting or improving road safety program with you staffs, or if you have a particular road safety challenge, we invite you to contact us. We provide one-on-one consultation in-person and free of charge to make road safe for all. For example, out of Nairobi/Kenya sponsor will meet the cost of travel and accommodation during consultations to your company or organisation.
We can review your program to identify its strengths and gaps. We will work with you to develop programs and raise awareness to your organisation, safe work procedures or forms for a specific issue, or on strategies to engage management and employees.
Program Officer click here