Throughout the year, the road safety team co-ordinate a number of campaigns targeting road user groups as part of its road casualty reduction strategy.

Campaigns in Schools

There are various ways in which publicity surrounding our campaigns can be used to impact upon the vulnerable 'at risk' groups or the anti-social behavior of some drivers. The greatest effect is obtained with sustained, well-targeted information which impacts on a target group.
All of our publicity takes account of national and local issues by supporting: -

  • Road Safety campaign team, tasked with providing coordinated road safety campaigns alongside our Police and Fire and Rescue Service colleagues
  • The Foundation campaigns by distributing externally produced, free materials, giving the exercise a local flavor and relating it to a local problem, or
  • Local campaigns where bilingual materials are produced to deal with an issue that is specific to a particular area

We also organise road safety school concerts, debates, drama or plays and forums that we utilise across the country on a county basis in support of our campaigns and initiatives.
If you are interested please contact us:


This program is designed for religion organisations, corporate organisations, government institutions, schools, contractors who wish to combine a fun day out with safety awareness.

The activities focus on enhancing trust, motivation, and overall team performance and share the road initiative with other road users.

Road safety team building helps you become more safe, efficient and effective, and improves the way people work together.

We have a number of exercises that can help to break down driving behavior barriers, build rapport and eliminate the clash between other departments on road way. It also recognises the strengths and natural leadership skills of people in the transport motor pool.

This can be conducted as interactive road safety awareness or practical session’s dependent on requirements and road safety topics that are required to be covered.

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